Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Living Way happening > Page 2


Rowing & Flowing

Page 2

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While some may boast of how self-reliant they are, can they congratulate themselves about how soon they would expire without oxygen given to them as a gift, from Life itself? Indeed, when born, oxygen was waiting for them to be dependent on, to rely on. So, any self-reliance would have to be understand in harmony with dependence. Without dependence, there is no self to act as a self. Ironically, in realization of the Way, Communion, we know our own selves best from within the matrix of Life, not a life among other lives. We come to appreciate self as separate is an illusion, and self as separate is the meaning we have been given of self. To live in deep sharing, beyond mind and body, we learn we must challenge and see through the illusion of this self that claims to be self-reliant, that claims anything, at all.

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Therefore, please read meditatively, allowing each part to be a moving snapshot of a moving picture of the Way. What of my way of pointing to this helps, good, that not, good, too.

And, this, of course, is an invitation to drop all thought, for hints thrown around in the dark are not the Light in which darkness is dark. So, if you read this, focusing on understanding, this will lead from understanding. This is not, while using logic, logical or illogical, even as the Way is not either, but both and more. You may think of this more as poetic, a collection of metaphorical intimations to lead to insight, to wondering.

sages have given us much to listen to
so we have nothing to listen to

do not try to tear your ears off
when ripe, they will drop

so, filling minds
to silence appetites to know

relaxing eyes
Truth appears
long after it had appeared

Beauty is already so, so beautiful!
long before one becomes blind enough
to see

feel the raindrops before
clouds appear
and dance in puddles of water, shouting "Hooray!"
while the falling wetness is hiding somewhere above
up in the air

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Now, as to the way being Communion, let us reflect ~ We are born from communion, we are communion, communion is born from us.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Living Way happening > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2025